Why Do You Need a Water Filter?

There are a number of pollutants that can enter your water supply even in first world countries like the United States where water cleanliness is supposed to be top notch. In other parts of the world, the WHO estimates that thousands of people per year get sick from polluted water. Recently, awareness has been growing in the US, fueled by disasters such as the Flint water crisis, and people have been scrambling to get their hands on water filters that are able to filter out bacteria and other unpleasantness from their water. In this post we will be examining a few different water filter options based on the various needs people may have.

Berkey Filters

The Berkey water filter comes in a number of different sizes and uses carbon filters to remove impurities from water. In a recent 2016 review of Berkey by EpicGifts, it was shown that the filter actually removes about 99% of invisible bacteria, metal, and sentiment. While it is on the higher end of the price scale, Berkey boasts a variety of sizes (including a water bottle) that all come equipped with carbon filters and optional fluoride filters for maximum effectiveness.

Brita Filters

Brita has become a common name in the world of filters. It is commonly used in the home as a small compact filter that can fit into a refrigerator, offering the large bonus of keeping water cool. However, a major downfall is that Brita does not actually filter much out of the water. On top of this, filters must be replaced often, and can build up mold and other material if they are not.

Megahome Filter

The Megahome filter falls between the Berkey and the Brita in terms of price and is a simple counter-top device. It features a zinc coated steel shell and white plastic exterior. The interior is made of stainless steel to ensure that the plastic never touches your water. The distilling process works through steam, where the water is evaporated and collects in an upper receptacle, leaving heavier sediment at the bottom and pure water in gas form at the top. The water then drips down into a glass container that comes with the filter and is drinkable from there.